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A Miscellany
Click on article to read the interview

Friendships are sometimes the result of chance as much as they are of kindred spirits coming together. And, whilst ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’ and ‘never let the truth get in the way of a good story’ were two of Mark Twain’s sayings that Elizabeth liked to adapt from time to time, it was as a result of the ephemeral nature of social media that Elizabeth made a number of significant friendships with kindred spirits. Elizabeth wrote that she ‘…met several people through Facebook with whom I became very good friends, and I have never met in the flesh, and perhaps never will. Some I have of course’.........
A musical interlude and portrait.
The crunluath variation of Struan Robertson's Salute.

3 snippets from the May 2024 Browse and Darby 'Ben Henriques' show
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